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DXN Bee Pollen 

Research shows that Bee Pollen Helps to Fight Against Prostate Problems in Men and Increase Vitality

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate glands which is found only in men. According to the statistics by the National Institute of Health (NIH) there are 9 million people in the USA alone who suffer from problems related to enlarged prostate. The symptoms related to enlarged prostate are:

  • force of urine stream
  • sensation of incomplete voiding
  • frequent urination
  • Urgency
  • Pain or burning sensation in urethra
The Research
Dr Walter G. Chmabliss concluded in a review that flower pollen extract is safe and effective for the treatment for mild to moderate lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).
Dr Dallas Clouatre, Ph.D reports that consumption of bee pollen can significantly reduce the inflammatory symptoms among men. It makes the muscles of the bladder relax resulting in easy and smooth urination. Dr Dallas further reports that bee pollen also helps in reducing the swelling in the prostate.

A study conducted in Sweden reports that bee pollen can significantly reduce the symptoms of swelling in the prostate glands. In this study 93 patients participated. 43 men were given a placebo and the remaining 50 men were given bee pollen. It was found that 46 out 50 who ate bee pollen recovered from their symptoms while the controlled group did not show any significant improvement.

Another study was conducted at the Zhejiang University in China to look at the effect of bee pollen on prostrate cancer. The researcher concluded that bee pollen may help in treating advance prostate cancer. The researchers stated that further investigation was required to test its effectiveness on human. The findings of this research were published in Phytotherapy Research, 2007.

Pollen naturally contains beta-sitosterol. It is a fatty substance which is used by doctors to treat prostate problems. Due to its natural presence in bee pollen it may help prevent prostatitis cancers and related symptoms.

One of the many symptoms of prostatitis is frequent urination especially at night.  Bee pollen helps in easing the problem by relaxing the muscles of the bladder. Once the muscles are relaxed, it is easier and smoother for the bladder to empty itself.  Gloria Havenhand suggests that bee pollen may help to cure prostrate problems in the following three ways.
  1. Bee pollen is anti-inflammatory and it helps to reduce swelling in the prostate.
  2. It contains zinc which is very important for the normal function of prostate glands.
  3. People living in countries where there is a very low exposure to sunlight may develop deficiency in vitamin D which is very important in the prevention of prostate cancer. Bee pollen helps the body to produce more Vitamin D when the body is exposed to minimum sunlight.
There is limited research which shows that bee pollen works against prostate cancer or its enlargement. However, there is a good deal of anecdotal evidence by users who reportedly have cured themselves by eating bee pollen on daily basis. Bee pollen is generally safe and is, therefore, worthy a try.  If you have any medical conditions, you may consult your doctor before taking on the treatment.

How to Take Bee Pollen?
Bee pollen can be taken in various forms. These are available in Holistic Health Care in tablets form.
you can Contact

Holistic Health Care ,
29-1F Jalan Semenyih Sentral 2,
Taman Semenyih Sentral ,
43500 Semenyih, Selangor.
Tel:03-03 8211 7317‬


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