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Holistic health is a concept that all potential contributing factors which may affect a person's well-being, are taken into consideration when assessing a person's overall health. Holistic health in traditional medical practice upholds that all aspects of people's needs, physical, social, and mental, should be taken into account and seen as a whole. As defined above, it has been accepted among general practitioners and district nurses in Swedish primary care.

In alternative medicine, it is believed that the spiritual aspect should also be taken into account when assessing a person's overall well-being.The spiritual aspect is not associated with any religious ideology but rather, refers to the essence or "core self" of a person.

Holistic healing is an ancient science dating back to at least 5,000 years ago and has origins in China and India. Holistic healing practitioners propagated the idea of a healthy way of living, in harmony with nature.The general principle of holism was summarized by Aristotle in the Metaphysics: "The whole is more than the sum of its parts".

The philosopher Socrates also acknowledged the holistic approach and suggested that people should look at the body as a whole and not part-by-part. In 1926, the term "holism" was introduced by Jan Christiaan Smuts in his book "Holism and Evolution", and was defined as, "the tendency in nature to form wholes that are greater than the sum of the parts through creative evolution".

Holistic medicine became more recognized through the 1970's and has since become one of the accepted methods of medical practice.The emergence of Holistic health in the American medical system is recorded in nine Journals of Holistic Health published by the Mandala Society. Over 150 authorities in aspects of Holistic Health participated and are recorded in The Journal of Holistic Health.

These Journals recorded the first National Conferences on Holistic Health, conducted by the Health Optimizing Institute. The Association for Holistic Health and The Mandala Society, with the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine starting in June 1975. This continued there for ten years with about three thousand health professionals participating each year. After the second year it was not under the Medical School. These conferences supported the creation of the Association For Holistic Health in 1976, the Holistic Medical Association in 1978 and The American Holistic Nurses Association, 1979. Many regional Holistic Health Associations followed with the American Holistic Health Association being established in 1989.

Holistic Approach:
When you see your conventional provider, your visit generally lasts 10 to 15 minutes. People who provide alternative treatments often take one hour or more to find out all about you. Many health problems, especially chronic diseases, are more likely to respond to treatment when the whole person is taken into consideration.”

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Dr Siva , MD


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